About Us

We're photography enthusiasts who love the Carson Valley as well as sharing ideas and photos! We welcome shooters of all skill levels.
We meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm. We are flexible as to how we meet due to speaker/weather/other constraints.
When we have in person meetings, they are at the Carson Valley Methodist Church, 1375 Centerville Lane in Gardnerville, NV. We feature speakers, field trips, and monthly photo contests.
At each meeting we endeavor to have a speaker, conduct club business, have a cookie/mingle break, and then present the photo contest judging. Each month we have a contest theme that you can view on the Photo Contests page where members submit their photographs a week prior to the meeting.All submissions are shown in a slideshow and judged as first, second, third place along with honorable mention when appropriate. Winning pictures are displayed in the lobby of the library in Minden each month, as well as published in the local newspaper, on the Carson Valley Photo Club Facebook page, and in our newsletter.
Members are also encouraged to submit photographs to display on the Gallery page of the website. This is an opportunity to share more of one’s work with club members, as well as a wider audience.
Additionally, we have field trips. These can have a special focus or be a visit to an interesting/photo worthy location or theme. Examples include trips to photograph our wild horses, animals at Animal Ark, the Milky Way, old buildings, ghost towns like Bodie, scenic locations like Winnemucca Lake or areas with wildflowers, and much more.
Our speaker topics are varied dependent on the membership’s interests and can include presentation on lenses, mobile phone apps, landscapes, and portraits. And, of course, our club does participate in community events like Eagles & Ag and the Birds & Buckaroo Show.
And finally, we do have dues! Dues are payable after a prospective member attends a maximum of three meetings. See the Contact Us page for dues information and a link to the membership form. Dues are used to fund necessary and official CVPC purchases and expenses, as well as some speaker engagements.
Please join us for our lively, innovative activities where we all want to learn more, become better photographers, and have fun doing it!